
Navigating the Cloudscape: Sovereignty, Flexibility, and Environmental Responsibility

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Cloud computing has emerged as a backbone of modern business, driving innovation and providing scalable solutions. However, as we delve deeper into the cloud, we encounter a complex landscape shaped by geopolitical power plays, technological constraints, and environmental concerns. This blog post explores these multifaceted issues, drawing insights from Aknostic’s CTO Flavia Paganelli enlightening lecture on the subject. Let us embrace a sustainable cloud.

The Geopolitical Cloud

The dominance of US-based cloud providers is not just a business trend; it's a geopolitical phenomenon. According to Statista, Amazon AWS alone holds a significant portion of the global market share. Followed closely by Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. This concentration of power raises questions about the digital autonomy of other nations. Particularly in Europe, where there is a push for "digital sovereignty." The European Union is actively seeking to foster a competitive local cloud market with initiatives like GAIA-X. It aims to create a federated data infrastructure that reflects European values and regulations.

However, the challenge extends beyond creating alternatives. It involves ensuring these alternatives can compete on a level playing field with the incumbents. It will require substantial investment, innovation, and support from both the public and private sectors. The geopolitical implications of cloud computing are profound, as they intersect with issues of national security, economic competitiveness, and the global balance of power.

The Vendor Lock-In Dilemma

Vendor lock-in is a silent snare in the cloud ecosystem. Companies often find themselves tethered to a service provider, unable to migrate. This is mostly due to the proprietary nature of services and lack of standardization. This lock-in not only stifles flexibility but also poses a risk to business continuity and bargaining power.

About the author:

Flavia Paganelli has diverse work experience spanning various roles and industries. She is currently serving as Aknostic's CTO and before this, was one of the founders of 30MHz. She wrote two books about AWS.


The solution lies in fostering open standards and encouraging interoperability among cloud services. Containerization and Kubernetes have emerged as beacons of hope in this regard. They offer a way to package applications that can run across different environments, thus mitigating the risk of lock-in.

The Rising Environmental Toll

The environmental toll of cloud computing is becoming increasingly visible. The protests outside data centers in Ireland are a manifestation of global concern over the sustainability of the digital infrastructure that underpins the cloud. These data centers, while pivotal for cloud services, are energy-intensive facilities. As the demand for cloud services grows, so does the need for electricity to power these data centers, leading to higher carbon emissions unless renewable energy sources are used.

The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals Report of 2023 underscores the critical nature of transitioning to sustainable practices across all industries. Cloud providers are uniquely positioned to lead this change by adopting energy-efficient technologies, sourcing renewable energy, and setting ambitious targets for carbon neutrality. The report calls for urgent action and innovation to mitigate climate change, which the cloud computing industry must heed.

Pioneering Tools for a Greener Cloud

As the cloud computing industry grapples with its environmental footprint, a suite of innovative tools and initiatives has emerged, each designed to tackle different aspects of sustainability. These tools not only measure and manage power consumption but also provide actionable insights to reduce the carbon footprint of cloud services. A more sustainable cloud emerges.

Scaphandre: The Power Consumption Tracker

Scaphandre stands out as a robust power consumption tracker, a tool that is critical in the quest for sustainable IT operations. It is open-source software that monitors the energy usage of servers, providing tech services with the data needed to understand and optimize their power draw. Scaphandre collects detailed metrics, allowing operators to pinpoint energy-intensive processes and take steps to improve efficiency. By identifying the "energy hogs" within the infrastructure, companies can make targeted improvements that reduce their overall energy consumption and, consequently, their environmental impact.


Kepler: Intelligent Energy Metrics for Kubernetes

Kepler represents a leap forward in sustainable cloud computing, specifically designed for Kubernetes environments. It utilizes machine learning models to expose detailed metrics about the energy consumption of Kubernetes components. This advanced approach allows for predictive analytics, enabling administrators to not only monitor but also forecast energy usage and take preemptive measures to enhance efficiency. By integrating with Kubernetes, Kepler makes it possible to automate energy-saving policies based on its predictions, leading to smarter resource allocation and reduced waste.


WattTime API: Empowering Real-Time Emissions Decisions

The WattTime API is a groundbreaking tool that provides access to real-time, forecast, and historical emissions data for electric grids worldwide. This information is crucial for companies looking to minimize their carbon footprint by scheduling energy-intensive operations at times when the grid is most saturated with renewable energy. WattTime's API can be integrated into cloud services to dynamically shift workloads, thereby ensuring that the cloud's power consumption is as clean as possible. This level of granularity in emissions data is unprecedented and is a powerful enabler for carbon-aware computing.

Carbon-aware SDK: Developing for a Greener Planet

The Carbon-aware SDK is a toolkit designed to help developers create applications that are sensitive to the carbon intensity of different energy sources. By leveraging real-time data on the carbon footprint of energy in various locations and at different times, applications can make smarter decisions about where and when to perform compute-intensive tasks. This SDK is part of a broader movement towards "carbon-aware" computing, where every cycle of computation is optimized not just for performance, but also for environmental impact.


Kube-green: Smart Resource Management in Kubernetes

Kube-green is an innovative Kubernetes add-on that addresses the issue of resource wastage head-on. It automatically shuts down resources that are not in active use, effectively "greening" the Kubernetes environment. In cloud computing, where resources are often paid for by the hour, Kube-green not only reduces energy consumption but also cuts costs. This add-on is a testament to the potential of automation in achieving more sustainable cloud operations.

Clouds of Europe: A Model for Sustainable Cloud Infrastructure

The Clouds of Europe project is a comprehensive solution addressing sovereignty, lock-in, and sustainability in cloud computing. As an open-source initiative built on Kubernetes, it offers a replicable model worldwide, ensuring data sovereignty and avoiding vendor lock-in by allowing easy migration of software across different cloud environments. The project places a strong emphasis on sustainability, incorporating a unique sustainability plugin that provides transparent reporting on emissions from not only the software and hosting data centers but also the embedded emissions of the hardware. In a conscious effort to reduce environmental impact, the project prioritizes the use of refurbished hardware and collaborates with data centers that implement sustainable innovations like liquid cooling and heat reuse, aligning with evidence that extending hardware life cycles significantly benefits the environment.

The Future of Cloud Computing

The research paper from ETH Zurich provides a scientific foundation for the argument that sustainable cloud computing is not only possible but also economically sensible. The paper details the energy-saving potential of data centers and the importance of considering the full lifecycle of computing hardware. It suggests that the industry's move towards sustainability can be accelerated by adopting a circular economy approach, where the reuse, refurbishment, and recycling of hardware become integral to the business model.

The future of cloud computing will likely be defined by how well the industry can integrate sustainability into its core operations. This will involve not just technological innovation but also a cultural shift towards valuing long-term environmental health over short-term gains. The initiatives mentioned, from Scaphandre to Kube-green, are examples of the kind of forward-thinking approaches that will pave the way for a greener, more responsible cloud.


The journey through the cloudscape is fraught with challenges, but also ripe with opportunity. By addressing issues of sovereignty, vendor lock-in, and environmental impact, we can steer cloud computing toward a future that not only powers our digital lives but also upholds our values and responsibilities. Let us embrace the cloud not just as a tool for growth, but as a catalyst for positive change.