
Regional clouds gather in Europe?

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Regional Clouds podcast published on Digitalization World

Watch our recent podcast interview on our regional clouds project in Digitalization World.

In this interview, Phil Alsop, and Jurg van Viet discuss why embracing regional clouds is essential, focusing on a more local infrastructure with local communities. Our Clouds of Europe is an alternative to Big Tech, built on open-source technology, with Kubernetes, and sustainability at its core.

Content of the podcast

0.05 Pushback against hyperscalers
02:30 Reasons to embrace regional clouds
03:51 Importance to using open-source software, Kubernetes
05:08 Economic and societal impacts behind regional clouds
07:59 Environmental footprint of regional clouds
11:19 A community working together
14:30 An alternative and viable business model
16:31 How the Clouds of Europe will function & collaborate with other organizations
20:23 Aspect of self-sufficiency and self-regulation
22:44 Overview of Aknostic: company, projects, technology
27:57 Roadmap for the Clouds of Europe MVP

Want to collaborate with us on this regional cloud project? Let's have coffee!