How we work

And, more importantly, how we get the
job done right.

Peak Preparations

Cloud agnostic

We strongly believe it shouldn’t matter which cloud provider/platforms (AWS, Azure, or Google cloud) you use. In fact, it’s even better to be cloud agnostic.

Cloud agnostic refers to tools, platforms, or applications that are compatible with any cloud infrastructure and can be moved to and from different cloud environments without any operational issues.



We make cloud agnostic infrastructures possible using Kubernetes (container orchestration).
The K from Kubernetes is the “K” in our company name.

Kubernetes is an extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. And we believe it’s going to be the new standard and drastically change the way we build and run software.

Fleur van Vliet

Long-term partners

We like to be here for you today, but also tomorrow. As a strategic partner, we’re proactive in helping you find the best optimization tools and opportunities for cost reduction and future growth. You chart your course, we’ll help you get there.

The right match.

Compatibility is the key to long-term success. That’s why we’d like to start with a cup of coffee, to figure out if we’re the right fit for you and your needs. Want to get in touch? Let’s grab a coffee!

Let’s talk cloud

We’d love to meet you over a cup of coffee.

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